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BioNase - Drug Free Treatment?

An interesting product called BioNase I've come across recently that is supposed to provide "continuous relief from nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, itching and teary eyes without any known side-effects". Most of Allergic Rhinitis sufferers like me tend to rely on medications like antihistamines, decongestants or corticosteroids.

What BioNase is offering is an effective drug-free alternative. How does BioNase work? I was rather surprised to read that it uses light technology as an anti-inflammatory to give prolonged relief without any known side effects. That's pretty amazing if you ask me!

Apparently, it has 2 probes which act as a light source, and you stick into your nose. Then, you leave it there for a couple of minutes and that's it! If you're interested to find out how this light mechanism actually work, you can check this the official website for this product here.

Seems like a dream come true for us who suffers from Allergic Rhinitis! Thankfully, my Allergic Rhinitis is already under control at the moment. I might just give BioNase a try in the future! I guess long-term use of medications like Flixonase isn't very good for my health, and besides, who wouldn't want a drug-free alternative?

If anyone of you has actually tried BioNase, please leave a comment! It would help me as well as anyone else who's interested in the product.

Click here for BioNase official website.


Unknown said...

I have used Bionase for over a year, although I only had to use it often for 2 months. 95% of my allergies were gone within 3-4 months. I really only had to use it regularly for 1 month. I am very happy and would recommend this product to anyone who has allergic rhinitis.

TI said...

Hi Dennis,

Wow that's encouraging to know! My allergic rhinitis is pretty much under control now, guess I might not be giving this a try just yet. Still, this is good to know that Bionase had some positive effects for those who intend to try!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I just start to use the new pocket size allergy relief device – BioNette from Syrolight ,
And it works like magic.

Anonymous said...

I have Wagner's disease and it causes inflammation in my Basel passage it bleeds all day a little and I have five to ten bigger bleeds a day is this light photo light therapy because I used it a light like that on my surgery wound ten years ago and it was only thing that would heal it .Does biomass heal wounds in nose and help with inflammation. Think I should try it I'm desperate