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Traditional Chinese Medicine & Allergic Rhinitis

Even though I've been rather busy lately, I try to find time to find out more about Allergic Rhinitis where possible. We all probably know the basics regarding Allergic Rhinitis, but today I've going to introduce another perspective - looking at Allergic Rhinitis from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) point of view.

Some people regarding TCM as somewhat less intrusive to the body, as TCM tends to encourage regulating of the body's condition to its original state. In the case of acupuncture, you don't actually consume anything. Very fine needles are used to stick into the body at specific points to stimulate and remove "energy blockages".

I happened to chance upon this article which I found to be pretty interesting. If you're interested in an alternative form of treatment to Allergic Rhinitis, do check out the full article here.

You may have noticed some Google Ads appearing here. I'm not out to earn $$, and with a small blog like mine its unlikely I'll get enough traffic to make any big bucks anyway. I figured that if any of you who is reading this found the information to be useful in any way, you guys could probably help contribute to my regular supply of Flixonase to curb my Allergic Rhinitis. And if you do click on these Google Ads, here's a BIG "Thank You" in advance! =)


Ariella said...

Hi Kev,

See tat u are really keen on getting rid of ur allergic rhinitis. U have very good info on allergic rhinitis. I have it since very young, always sneezing early in the am. I'm using flixonase for say abt 10 yrs?? My younger sis managed to wean off the medicine but I couldn't, still require daily dosage. Currently looking TCM treatment, just wondering if u had heard of any TCM clinic tat is gd?? Or specialised in allergies??

Would appeciate it very much if u can share ur experience with me.. alternatively, shd I stumble across a gd TCM clinic, will keep u updated..


PS: U went for paramedic course?? I assume u are a SAF medic?? Which batch are u in? I used to work with SCDF as a paramedic.. ^-^

TI said...

Hi Ariel,

Just like you I have Allergic Rhinitis since young, not that I knew I had it until I was about 20 years old? I started putting bits and pieces of information here so that it might be of use to some others who may or may not know they have Allergic Rhinitis. In Asian context, people or even some doctors would just think that you're having a cold or common flu >.<

I've been on Flixonase for a couple of years now. While I couldn't stop using it entirely, I've somewhat managed to reduce the dosage to once every 3 or 4 days =)

Sorry, I wouldn't be able to help with regards to TCM clinic cuz I haven't really dabbled much in it. If I do give it a try in the future, I'll surely put up my experiences here!

Yup, SAF-trained in level 1 paramedic sometime between 2001-2003 It has been a looooong time =p